
I am a cultural producer and curator of exhibitions and events. 

I am interested in connecting people with the ideas, materials, and powers that shape society in a way that informs and engages them with key conversations – from the climate crisis and land use, to health and housing.

As an Architecture Foundation Young Trustee I work to actively champion emerging and underrepresented voices within and beyond the built environment.

I am part of EYESORE - a group that documents and communicates experiences of the built environment. Through print, film and events EYESORE creates a platform for local and international collaborators who strive for spatial justice through their respective disciplines and practices. 

In June 2022 I joined the public programme team at the Architectural Association - organising exhibitions including Alberto Cruz; Observation, Act and Form, and event series such as New Standards.

From 2017 - 2022 I worked at the Building Centre, London, as a public programme curator. I delivered a varied programme with a particular focus on the intersection of building materials and the climate crisis. I helped found the education programme while co-curating the Shaping Space Architectural Models Revealed exhibition, which championed learning through making. 

From 2016 - 2017 I was assistant editor of the BE: journal, and now contribute to various zines and magazines. 

I completed my MA in Architectural History at the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, specialising in public housing and health, following a BA in History of Art at the University of Warwick.  

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